About Us


Company Profile

Company Overview

  • Trade name
    TOHO CO., LTD.
  • Established
    August 1932
  • Capital
    10,355,847,788 yen
  • Representative
    Chairperson Yoshishige Shimatani
    President Hiro Matsuoka
  • Number of Employees
    Company : 401 (including 14 contract employees)
    Group : 3,617 (including 529 contract employees)
  • Place of Business
    Main Office / Tokyo
    Studio / Tokyo (Seijou)
    Directly Managed Theaters / 2 Theaters
    • 帝国劇場
      Imperial Theatre
    • シアタークリエ
      Theatre Creation
    Primary Leased Buildings /
    • 有楽町センタービル
      Yurakucho Center Bldg.
    • 東宝日比谷ビル
      TOHO Hibiya Bldg.
    • 東京宝塚ビル
      Tokyo Takarazuka Bldg.
    • 東宝日比谷プロムナードビル
      TOHO Hibiya Promenade Bldg.
    • 東宝シアタークリエビル
      TOHO Theatre Creation Bldg.
    • HEPナビオ
      HEP Navio Bldg.
    • 東宝南街ビル
      TOHO Nangai Bldg.
  • Overseas Offices
    Los Angeles, New York
  • Description of Primary Business
    Motion Picture Department
    • Producing, buying/selling, and renting movies
    • Producing and selling television programs
    • Producing and selling movie pamphlets and video software
    • Business related to merchandising rights, and other activities
    Theatrical Department
    • planning, producing, and performing stage productions
    Corporate Real Estate Department
    • Leasing of land/buildings, and others
  • Address of Main Office
    1-2-2 Yuraku-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
  • As of May 23, 2024

Head Office

1-2-2 Yurakucho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

Head Office
  • TM & © TOHO CO., LTD.
    As of April 1, 2023


  • As of April 1, 2024


  • Chairperson of the Board
    Yoshishige Shimatani
  • President & CEO
    Hiro Matsuoka
  • Director, Executive Vice President
    Nobuyuki Tako
  • Director, Senior Managing Executive Officer
    Minami Ichikawa
  • Director
    Kazuo Sumi
  • Director, Audit & Supervisory
    Eiichi Ogata
  • Director, Audit & Supervisory (Outside)
    Satoshi Ando
  • Director, Audit & Supervisory (Outside)
    Masako Orii
  • Director, Audit & Supervisory (Outside)
    Izumi Okoshi
  • As of May 23, 2024

Executive director

  • President and
    Executive Officer
    Hiro Matsuoka
    Head of Entertainment Unit
    Direct control of Strategy Planning, TOHO Digital Lab. and Internal Control Audit
  • Executive Vice President
    Nobuyuki Tako
    Member of the Board
    Head of Corporate Management Group
  • Senior Managing Executive
    Minami Ichikawa
    Member of the Board
    Head of Motion Picture Group
    Entertainment Unit
  • Managing Executive Officer
    Kazuhiko Seta
    Head of Corporate Real Estate Group
  • Managing Executive Officer
    Atsuo Ikeda
    Head of Theatrical Group
    Entertainment Unit
  • Managing Executive Officer
    Keiji Ota
    Head of Anime Group
    Entertainment Unit
    In charge of Products & Licensing and IP Management & Strategy
  • Executive Officer
    Takayuki Ikeda
    President and Representative Director of TOHO Cinemas Ltd.
  • Executive Officer
    Harunori Kato
    In charge of Human Resources and Finance & Accounting
    Corporate Management Group
  • Executive Officer
    Kunichiro Wada
    In charge of Corporate Real Estate
    Corporate Real Estate Group
  • Executive Officer
    Taro Honda
    In charge of Group Management & Business Solution, Information Technology & System and TOHO DX Task Force
    Corporate Management Group
  • Operating Officer
    Norihiro Uda
    In charge of Theatrical Business
    General Manager, Theatrical Dept.
    Theatrical Group
    Entertainment Unit
  • Operating Officer
    Akihiro Fukuda
    In charge of Legal and General Affairs
    General Manager, General Affairs Dept.
    Corporate Management Group
  • Operating Officer
    Mitsutaka Yoshida
    In charge of Distribution and Marketing
    General Manager, Distribution Dept.
    Motion Picture Group
    Entertainment Unit
  • Operating Officer
    Taichi Ueda
    In charge of Production & Acquisitions and Planning & Production
    General Manager, Production & Acquisitions Dept.
    Motion Picture Group
    Entertainment Unit
  • Operating Officer
    Koji Ueda
    President and Representative Director of TOHO Global Inc.
  • Operating Officer
    Kazutaka Yamanaka
    In charge of TOHO animation
    General Manager, TOHO animation Dept.
    Anime Group
    Entertainment Unit
  • As of May 23, 2024