Top Message
"Entertainment for YOU,
inspiring customers around the world"
Our founder, Ichizo Kobayashi, made it our mission "to widely provide inspiring entertainment to the general public." This year marks the 90th anniversary of our founding, and this philosophy remains at the root of our corporate activities and is, the purpose of TOHO. We think that people's desire for excitement and entertainment will always remain unchanged. We believe that the value of entertainment is even greater today driven by the rapidly changing world around us.
We have announced "The TOHO VISION 2032 TOHO Group Management Corporate Strategy," which looks 10 years into the future as we approach the 100th anniversary of our founding. In addition to our core businesses of cinemas, theaters, and real estate, we will expand our business in the global market with animation as our fourth pillar. The objective is to expand our business to the global market and enhance our synergies.
The theme of the new era is "Entertainment for YOU, inspiring customers around the world."
Our customers are all over the world. We are committed to providing entertainment that will delight each and every one of our customers. TOHO will continue to bring smiles and excitement to people around the world as we look toward a bright future.
Hiro Matsuoka
Our Corporate Philosophy / Strategy
The TOHO Group Business Philosophy
90 years ago, Ichizo Kobayashi built the TOHO group with the mission "to widely provide inspiring entertainment to the general public." Since then, TOHO group has entertained and inspired millions of fans across a variety of mediums including movies and theatrical performances.
Our guiding principles are rooted in our founder’s credo and dictum: "We owe our business to the happiness of the customers," and we always "Act with vivacity, modesty, fairness and grace."
With these principles in mind, TOHO group is committed to providing the best entertainment in the world, grounded in fresh and innovative projects always developed with our customers' points of view in mind. And, we are committed to conducting fair and transparent business activities across all four of our business domains: screen, theater, real estate, and anime.
As we move forward, TOHO will strive to increase our corporate value through group-wide efforts supported by these business principles.
The TOHO VISION 2032 TOHO Group Management Corporate Strategy
The Company has launched the "Long-term Vision 2032" and "Medium-term Management Plan 2025 (FY2023-2025)" under a consolidated "The TOHO VISION 2032 TOHO Group Management Corporate Strategy."
The Company believes that the following are necessary based on changes to the values and lifestyles of customers caused by the COVID-19 pandemic: (1) redefining of the TOHO Group's purpose, (2) formulation of a clear long-term vision and new growth strategy, (3) evolution of the existing business domains (screen, theater, and real estate) and (4) reinforcement of human resources and promotion of sustainability management to support these efforts.
As a result, the Company has stated its existing corporate philosophy ""to widely provide inspiring entertainment to the general public," as its purpose, and started a new growth strategy in light of the medium- to long-term business environment under the motto of "Act with vivacity, modesty, fairness and grace."
Long-term Vision 2032
The TOHO Group will implement a growth strategy while utilizing M&A to achieve operating profits of <¥75.0 billion and ROE to <8% by 2032, our 100th anniversary.
New Corporate Slogan
Our mission is “to widely provide inspiring entertainment to the general public” through fresh and innovative projects always developed with our customers' points of view in mind. We will further this mission with a new corporate slogan, "Entertainment for YOU," in preparation for our 100th anniversary in 2032.
Long-term Vision
- Invest for growth
- Secure human resources and focus on training
- Grow Business Portfolio: Make Anime business the "fourth business domain”:
- Cinema business (Production and Distribution business, Movie Theater Chain business, Production and Licensing business),
- Theatrical business
- Real Estate business
- Anime business
Key Areas of Focus
- Create and develop IP
- Utilize digital technologies
- Develop overseas markets
- Cross-leverage Cinema and Anime businesses
In addition to the three pillars of TOHO's business: (1) film business (film sales, film exhibition, and video business), (2) theater business, and (3) real estate business, we will add (4) anime business as the fourth pillar. The Group's strength lies in its ability to maximize earnings from both the film and anime businesses.
Medium-term Management Plan 2025
Target Figures
This is the time to seriously consider "investment" to properly realize the next period of growth while ascertaining recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Growth investment: The Group expects to invest a total of approximately ¥110.0 billion over three years, separately from the investment amount for large-scale M&A.
- Content-related investment (movies, Anime, theatre production, new IP creation, human resource acquisition): ¥50.0 billion
- Real estate-related investment (redevelopment of owned properties, acquisition of new properties): ¥50.0 billion
- Opening of new cinema complexes: ¥5.0 billion
- Overseas development, DX-related investment, etc.: ¥5.0 billion
- Operating profit: The Group plans to achieve its highest level of profit (¥52.8 billion) by FY2025.
- Shareholder returns: With a base of ¥40 per year, the Group will pay dividends with a payout ratio of 30% or more and implement flexible share buy-backs.
- ROE: The Group will aim for 8% or more.
- Growth investment: The Group expects to invest a total of approximately ¥110.0 billion over three years, separately from the investment amount for large-scale M&A.
Overview of Individual Business Strategies
- Cinema business (production/distribution)
- Focus on composing an amazing lineup that must be seen in movie theaters
- Focus on in-house developing and production
- Cinema business (movie theater chain)
- Continue to open new cinema complexes
- Enhance movie-watching environment and content
- Anime business
- Proactive investment into planning and development
- Reinforce overseas development
- Utilize digital technologies
- Theatrical business
- Develop content
- Multi-platform and international business development of live stage contents
- Real estate business
- Maximize value through redevelopment
- Promote acquisition and development of new real estate
- Cinema business (production/distribution)
Human Resources and Organization/Sustainability Policy
Human Resources and Organization Strategy
The TOHO Group believes that a thriving workforce is essential to our success. Investment in top talent and a system and environment that promotes creativity and excellence as well as a healthy, happy, and productive workforce are key to manifesting our growth strategy.
While maintaining our existing policies of "small in number, but highly skilled" and "the right person for the right job," TOHO group will strive to:
- increase the diversity of our workforce
- attract exceptional external talent
- build internal talent through resources and training
- evolve our work environment to foster and build a more creative organization
- meet the demands of the new generation of work styles including initiatives aimed to support:
- mental and physical health
- fairness around renumeration and promotions
- diverse and non-traditional career paths
Sustainability Policy
The TOHO Group seeks to contribute to the realization of a society that is happy and enriched for everyone.
TOHO group’s sustainability efforts will focus on the following important issues:
- Creating a healthy work environment where everyone feels valued for their contributions
- Promoting environmentally friendly business practices that are protective of our planet
- Respecting human rights and foster a constructive and fair corporate culture
- Creating a rich film and theater culture and pass it on to the next generation